All    of   my  colleagues, intellectuals, dignitaries, journalists  and   whole  of  the  community  peoples  in  America, as  I  would  like  to  drawback  to  all  of  your  mindset  for  few  minutes  towards  my middle  part  of life’s  expressive  past  episodes . Consequently, which  is  very  real  and  important  key  point  of  Bhutan  as  well  as  my middle part  of past  life experiences  and background with  few  of  my  friends towards  the past government services  and  National  process of  landmark  history  of  Bhutan,Thimphu.When I  were  in  government  service in Survey  of  Bhutan, that  time  my  name  was used to be, only  first  name and  the clan  name, as  explain  in  para-8, page number 5.

In spite  of  the  fact,a  man namely NAAFE  who  had   known  as  historic  prisoner  in  the  realm  of  stalwart  Kingdom  of  Bhutan. He  was  a  job  holder  in  the  Ministry  of  Finance, capital Thimphu  for  a  certain  number  of years. In  course  of  time he  had  been  transferred  to  the  Department  of registration  under  the  Home  Ministry, Capital  Thimphu, there after  he  was  jobless. His  family background  was  not  clearly  known;  however  he  was  married one of a  girl  from  Paro  Bhutan. She belonged from rich and prosperous family from Paro Bhutan. An  idleman  endure  his  life  at  hired  room  of  Dorji’s(kuertepa) dwelling.                                                                                                              


Although there were several other renters, like servicemen, businessmen including us in the same building. In  our  group, we  were  there  namely-Dawa,KB and  myself  sheltered  in  one room  next  to  his(NAFE)room Tshewang,Dungkhala,tsheten Namgyal and  Lepola  in  another room. We  were  also  not  so  vanity  fair  for  clear  vision towards  our  future  life  and  were  too  young  to  stress  the  bulwark  situation of  that  time  in  Thimphu. Even we don’t have   right ideas to streamline for our future survival. Every day we were called for playing cards with him in the evening time. Because he was jobless and just  would like  to kill the boredom with us. Soon after we  had  known  the  man  was  deeply  sorry for blaming  the unknown  destruction  he  had  caused. As he  had  sent  to  the  police  confinement   by  some  police  officer to Dadilmakha Thimphu.We  knew that  we were  unaware  of  the  victim  as  oblivious  into  our  past  life. When  the  man  first  taken  to  the  confinement ,he  had  been asked  ridiculous  questions  that  had  been  suspected  crimes.He  might  have  expressed  bad  tempered and  rude  saying in  front  of  the  police  during the  statement  time.NAAFE also  knew  that  he  was the  best  school  mate of  police  officer,Dawa Penjore(HAAPPA)  and  believed  for  the  exemption  of  exorbitant  punishment. It  wasn’t susceptible  that  police  officer would  have  supposed to  malice  him  for his provocative  bad  temper and  cruel saying  to  the  king  and  made  him  guilty  for  punishment.Now,the  man  remain  in  the  custody  and  started  court case. Several  months  he  had  attended  to  the  high court, Thimphu  escorting with  police, tying his  limbs by iron  chain  for  the verdict  to  his accusation .Occassionally,once I meet  him  into  the  prison  Dadimakha,but  I  have  no chance to  talk  more  with  him.That  was  only he  was  in  Thimphu, later  it  was  understood he  had been  sent to underground, electrical  jail  for  the  corporal  punishment  apprehended  by the  high court  Thimphu. Though  his  judicious  idea  supported  and  endeavored  him  to escape  from  the  above  gaol,which  was  inexplicable at  that  situation. Thereafter  he  had  started  the  bewilder  journey  from  Wangdiphodrang,he  darted  whole  hours steadily into  day and  night towards difficult  paths  of that  areas crossing  high  mountains, rocks, terrains  without  specific  directions  and  at  last  he  reached  in Sarbhang  Bhutan(border town of India).One  of  our  friend, namely Mr.Dwa  was  also  there, he 
--> was  on  leave and in  his  homestead,Sarbhang.At the  same time he  suddenly  met  the  old  friend  with  very  critical  condition,sighed  by  seeing  swelling  limbs and  hold  some  talks. The  old friend( NAFE)  explains  all  of  his  life’s confronted  grief and  sorrows  from  the  beginnings. He was so hungry asked for some food. He  don’t  have even a  single  pai  with  him.Mr.Dawa bought  some  food  and  offer  him  and  fulfilled general  courtesy,as “A friend in need  is  a  friend  indeed.”( it  was  afar     to  meet  him,  but even no  one could  spell  his  name NAFE,such restriction  was  made  by  the  Bhutan Government).
Sarbhang Bhutan is a place of International border town of Assam. It  was  easier to  go India Assam  and  search  shelter   for  the sake  of  his  life.Mr. Dawa  fulfilled  the  urgent  needs  of  his  old  friends  and  dispersed  to  different  directions.Mr.Dawa,himself returned  back to  his  regular  job in  Thimphu after the  specific  period   of  leave  sanctioned  to  him. The  days  were  passing, one day  an  intelligentsia  from  the  police  Department,Dadimakha  approached  to  Mr.Dawa  without knowing  ,Wang Tshering(our  best Firend in Thimphu)  as  he  only  desired  to  know  the real  meetings  about     NA AFE,to  whom met by Dawa in  Sarbhang Bazaar as it  was already  espionages  by the  police psycologically.We  had  been  aware of the victims  that  our  old  friend  was encroached  by  the  rules  into  their  enclosures. But this had not been affected to anybody.
As the years  were  passing by, I  had  been  transferred  on  temporary  basis  to  Wangdiphodrang  and  had to  work under  the  direct  supervision of Dzongkhag  Administration and normally I  had  been there.Firstnight I  halted 
--> at  the  host  of  Inspection Bungalow,Wangdiphodrang.The actual date was 12th August 1982.We  had  dinner   from  the  Hotel and  having  finished  of  our  dinner we  had  started  our  conversation  with  several  friends  with an education  officer, namely Sonam Wangchuk  from  Wangdiphodrang.We  also  had  extra  discussion abstaining  from  the past events  and passed the time  of  that day.Since the  famous hidden  name, which was concealed  and  restricted   to be  pronounced within entire country by  the  government explicitly .We  had  no  concept and without  caring  the  concern  of  that name included to  our  general  conversation during  our  discussions hold. At  the  moment, we  don’t  know  the  intelligence were  quickly observed our  conversation to  which, it  was country’s  great  hidden secrecy ,since longtime  ago. Having finished the above enjoyable conversation everyone went to sleep in their residences. The  next day I  went to  join  my  duty  with  Dzongkhag  Administration.Dasho Dzongdah,namely Sherab  Thai  was  ranked  as Dzongdag Wangdiphodrang  at  that  time. He  had  suggested  me  to  join  the  duty  and  also  suggested to  go  to  the  field  for  survey  of  land  awarded  by  the  King  to  the  landless  people  of  that  Dzongkhag.Accordingly.I  got  ready  with  Bhutanese  clerk(Dui, an  employee  of  that  Dzongkhag) Mr.  Dorji Gyaltshen.

Now, we  had  to  move  the  direction    towards  CHEGINA LHAKHANG(TEMPLE)  OF  SHAH Gewog  near  the slate  factory  of  Wangdiphodrang. We had started our tour and reached at Chegina Lhakhang and halted. We had been  accommodated  to  sleep  inside  it.The  Lhakhang  was oldest one,the  statue  of  Buddha  was  standstill  for  Idol  worship.Mr. Dorji  Gyaltshen was  like  an  astrologer  in  Buddhist  faith;  he  had taken  some  of  the almanac and  started scrolling and  reading for  prophesying, whereas  I  was  already    slumbering next  to  him as  asleep  also my  eyes  were not opening  and  observed  spontaneously but I  didn’t  ask   anything  to  him. The portrayal  of  robust  voices revealed  to  the  real  scenario  of  the Inspection Bungalow of  Wangdiphodrang of  the  previous  day. As I  had  recalled  and  revised  to  the  past  events  at  that  night, the  psychosis  doesn’t 
--> dismantled  my  aims. I had  more  opportunities  to  know  the  situation of  the  above  man-NAAFE psychologically  to  the  electronic jail  in Wangdiphodrang Dzong underground. But   Dorji  Gyaltshen  were  busy  for reading  prophecy  and  not  knowing my terrible views at  that  moment. After  some  hours both  of  us had  slept  by  putting off  the  local  lamp. When  we  had  slept  it  was  startled  that  dreamy  spirit  sent  me  everything  to that Dungeon  where  NAAFE was  in  an agony of  indecision to which  I  never  seen  before. When I  reached  at  that  oblliette.A voice asked  me  a  question  in  Hindi(AAP EDHAR  KYU AAYA  HAI)why  did you  come  here? The  door  of that  Dungeon  was  ajar and  sudden  gleams  reflected NAFE’s agony was  inside  with  uttermost  decree  under  the  black  jail among  the  heap of  excrement  with  adverse  corporal  punishment  by  iron  press  on  his  backbone. A glimpse of deterrent views of that dungeon was scanned. Only  military  high  ranking  recognized officials  were  allowed  to strain  up to the  specific  points. The  night  was  passed  and  tomorrow, I  woke up  from  bed  and  was  remained  in the  same  Lhakhang (Chegina) .I  didn’t  say  anything all  of  these  to  my  friends,Dorji Gyaltshen.We  had  breakfast brought  by the  local  people  and  move  towards duty  to survey  the  lands, we  had  started  surveying  the   plots steadily. The sixty plots had to be surveyed; it took two weeks to complete. We have completed the above survey works within right time. The  humorous voices and  scenes  echoed  in  mind  incessantly, however  we  had returned    back  to    Wangdiphongdrang. Reaching  at  Wangdiphodrang I  had  have  more  reactions envisages  but  I  was  undaunted  and  sheltered  at  the  quarter  of  my colleague, but  serious  disturbances  had  been  occurred  to  my  sleep, humorously same  as  the  commotion  of  the  day  when I  were first  in the Inspection Bungalow. The controversial robust unseen voices goad me to the hospital. Now, I  reached in the   Army hospital  about  11 p.m. night  and  met one  of the  health  worker  and  put  my  problems, He  advised  me  to sleep  in  the  bed  and  get  rest;  once  again  I  forced  him to  call  the  Doctor instantly. He  also tried  to  my  request but  Doctor  advised  him  to  do  the  same  thing  (rest).He  gave  me  some  tablets and  let  me sleep  in  the  bed. Tomorrow early in the morning I woke up and went to take   breakfast. After having  finished my  beakfast,again I  returned  to  the  hospital and awaited  to  the  Doctor, the  reaction  was  little bit  normal. All  the hospital  staffs  have  arrived  and  started  their  schedule  duties  and  the  Doctor  too. I had been advised to go and meet Doctor accordingly.

An elderly Dr.  of  Indian Army similar man  who  asked  me Hindi question  above  when I  was   in the oubliette  before, he  let me  sit  in front  of  him and asked  me  the  question  of  last night.” OH! You  were  the  person  to  whom, my  staff  was  calling me  last  night  for  the  emergency”. “I said, yes! He  noticed  me  seriously  and  prescribed  medicine  and  laid  back  the  slip  in  my  hand. After I  had  received  the  medicine  and  returned  to  my  temporary  shelter.Nonetheless,I  had    submitted the  previous  reports  of  surveying.Now,I  went  to  the Wangdiphodrang  Dongdag  office  and  submitted  all  the  survey  reports of  the  land  surveyed.After  the submission  of  the  above  reports again  Dasho  Dzongdag had  instructed  and  ordered  me  to  go  for  surveying   another  plots  awarded  by  the King in  other  villages, the  particular  places  were  near Pelela  Mountain  which  was  situated in  the  middle  of  Wangdi phodrang  and Tongsa  districts.I  started  to  move  alone  towards  the destinations  with  necessary  survey  instruments,only  few  of the  plots  had  to  be  surveyed  there.

Having finished  surveying, I  have  prepared the reports  of  surveyed  plots, then and there and  handed it to the GUP(village head man) of  that Gewog(block) to deliver it to the  Dasho Dzongdag, Wangdiphodrang.Now, I am on  the Tongsa  road waiting  for  bus  services to head towards  my  original  homestead. Absolutely, I  hadn’t  wishes to return back to  Wangdiphodrang rather  than I  wish to go to my original hometown. After  few  minutes BGTS(black truck)  had arrived which  was schedule  bus  services  from  Wangdiphodrang to  Tongsa and pickup   me towards Tongsa and  by  public  truck  to  Gaylegphug  Bhutan. In  this  system  of  transportation, I reached  in  my  original  hometown Tshirang Damphu  without  prior  approval  of  Dasho  Dzongdag  Wangdiphodrang.
All  of  my  household  stuffs, like clothes,utensils,boxes and  even some money  were  lost in  Wangdiphodrang  from  the  places  where  I  was  kept. Only   I  have  had my  small  bag and not  a  single paai have  left  in  my  pocket unless  I  reached  in  my  hometown,Damphu  Bazaar. When I reached in my native Damphu Bazaar at 2 p.m. I  have  seen  there everybody  were  enjoying  football and  delighted with  large  crowd.I was sure  the  robust  spirits were  followed  fantastically  and  made  me  bereaved. However, now  I  reached  in my  original  home  and  birth  place under Tshirang Districts  particularly ,a lovely  rural  village GOPENI (DUNGLAGANG  GEWOG ,BLOCK) and I  had  long  breathe  too ,having  met with  all  of my  relatives,  block head  community  members. I  have not  explain  anything about  my  arrival  and  discussed   of  my grievances  of reaching there. Since, longtime I  have  been in  my  original  home GOPENI,  like  two-three  months without  thinking  anything about  my  precious jobs  under  Bhutan  Government. Indeed , later on  I  really  Knew it  was  great  opportunity to  recollected  and  reputed educational  evidences  through  my  explained  grievances  in  a  wide  extent. Eventually I  had  gained  new  ideas and  knowledge  about  the  system of administrative  networking of  Government  and  regulations of rules  in  proportion  to  the  different  religions  within  the  country(particularly Buddhism and  Hinduism)  Bhutan.
During  my  liberal time  in  my  original  home, a  message   from  land  record  office  Thimphu  was  received  through  the  messenger  of  Dzongdag  office  Tshirang,as the  messages  was  stated  to  join the  duty  immediately. Three  months  was  already  passed, nevertheless I  were so  interested to  continue  the  government   services.. Once I  have 
--> determined  that  I  would  not  go and   join  my  duty and  render  future  services  under  Bhutan  Government.Because,if I  would have  been  reacted  again and  felt  nervousness  and  shudder,  my  life  will  be  failure. After  four  months there  was another  messages  from  land  record  office, Thimphu  also  stated  same thing, to join the  duty very soon. Now, I thought I  could go  and  bear the  burden  by  joining the  services contestantly.But I  have  no  money  for  fares  to  reach  Thimphu. However, I managed  some  on  returnable basis, but I haven’t  believed  of  getting  something  from  my  Department because  I was  illegally  abandoned  the duty  from  Wangdiphodrang.Now, I  have  joined  my  duty again in Thimphu.Mr. Lhakpa Duba was the In-Charge of the entire land record system of Bhutan. He  had  addressed  me by the  clan  name  Sharma,”(because  at  that  time   my  name  was Srinarayan  Sharma  or  in short S.N.Sharma it was to  be  written clan name compulsorily  in  any  of   the  govt.records)  and  advised  to  prepare  the  bills  of  four  months  with  extra  expenditures and  submit it.Accordingly,I  did the same and  reimbursed the  unexpected amount  sanctioned  to  me, again  I  have  started  my  regular  duty after four  months but the  above things was  stunning  to  me.

As the  time were  passing  by,  with    continuing  of  my  daily  activities and  increasing  new  ideas of  daily  environment and  the  policy and  procedures of  the  Government Department. However   every  activities  were  ridiculous  and  I couldn’t  weighed and measure  the  real  things. Every  possibilities were  germinated by  the  causes of  the  above  casualty  with the  genuine  sneak  which were also provable. No  person  could  explain  the  real  happenings  which  was  enhancing  at  regular intervals. I, also  have  better  ideas  that  it  was  not the  questionnaire  and  debatable to  get   more  better  ideas  from  other  sources. Although  I continued  my  regular  job  with  every  awareness  of the  past.

Now the pictures reflected towards the LUGER THEATRE of Thimphu. The manager Sonam  who was the responsible head of the cinema hall. He  had  put  allegation  to  Mr. NAFE  of  stealing  Ngultrums twenty  thousand  from  the cabin  of  Lugar  theatre.In  otherhand,the difficult and  aimless  journey was  steadily followed  by  NAAFE  and at  last   he reached  at  Shillong,a  second metropolitan  city  of  Assam(India)  from  Sarbhang  and  domesticated  there  and started  a  job, as  a  Hotel  Manager, he  was  continued  the  said  career  for  the  sake  of  his  daily  life.

Now, the  police  Department  from  Thimphu  Bhutan  have  sent  a  delegation  team  with  an  envoy  of  Inspector  Wangdi  Tshering  from  Dadimakha  for sleuthing  to  NAFE  at  Shilling . The  team were  encroaching the  city by  seeking  the  help  from  Indian  Police  to  sleuth  to  the  entire  city  of  Shillong  and  at the end they  have  succeeded  and  arrested NAFE  from a  Hotel  who  was  fully  disguised  with  long  beard  in  his  cheek  which  was  difficult  to  identify  the  particular  person. They have  brought  him  up  to  Thimphu  and  handed  to  the  Indian  Military(IMTRAT).In  spite  of  the  fact, the punishment  have been  done  cruelly. As  the  man (NAAFE)  had  been  taken  in  solitude  barren  meadow  in  a  murky  night  and  put  his  eyes  blindfold tying with blind fold materials  by  Indian  Army  and  sent  him  to  the oubliette. The  amazements  were  exerted and influenced  of  the  spiritual  environment  in  regular  intervals, indeed  it   could be  never  known  by  the  common  people nor  they  had dreamt  for  the  system  of  condign oubliette  in  Bhutan.

The  incarceration  would  have  been  sent through  blindfold  and condign  punishment ought to  be  born  inside accordingly. The  system  of  opening  of  that  captivity  was  automatic, when  the arrested  person  should  go  inside, the  door  will  open  automatically  and  close  too. The  limited  point  was  fixed  for  the  duty man, he  will  not  allow  beyond that  point. The  name  of incarcerated  persons in the  above  dungeon  were  prohibited  to  spell, spread  and  acknowledge  anywhere  within  the  country. If  the  specific  name  of  that  person  and  particular  spot  will  be  discussed explicitly  from  anywhere, the  fact  is  that  the  door  of  that  dungeon  will  surge  automatically,if  the  man  inside it, he will  be  set  free. So  NAAFE  was  incarcerated   in  the  above  oubliette  for  a  certain   period  and  he had  also  succeeded  to  escape  from  there very  sensitively. As it was revealed through regular haunted spirit. The  evil spirit  have shown  the  NAAFE  was  really  riding  bicycle  with  Punjabi  dress  after  getting  out  from  that oubliette  and  agile  to  India. In a second, Indian military checked the ongoing events of that oubliette. This  type  of   paramountcy is  a  scientific way of Monarchy  in  the  stalwart  domain  of  Bhutan.

Thus  the  above  story  of  extent  areas  pursuit  towards  the  person’s  agitation  synchronized  to  the  contrary  of  modern  Bhutan. The haunted  spirit also  revealed  that  the  person  from criminal  investigation(detective)  from India  was  cogitated  and  followed  concurrently towards  the contemporary  political  vibrant  within  Bhutan. As   it  was  exemplified  that  some  Indian  men have  reimbursed the  money as  their payments  for the  above  activity  from Thimphu  Bank  after  the NAFE’s  ran  away  from  that  place. It  was  cleared  that  the  dreamy  and  haunted spirits  hovered  it’s  views  for  the  above  political  vibrant  in  Bhutan. Really, It  means  the  oubliette was completely  scientific modeled  and all the confined  assignments  of  that  Dungeon interrelated  with  India and the way  of holding  the  reign  in  her  hand.
Thimphu  is a  most  modern Capital city  of  Bhutan  and  Tashichhodzong is  built  with  a  great  technology and  other important  Dzongs in  Bhutan are Wangdiphodrang,Tongsa  and  Paro  too . It  is  just  looks  like  an  old  fashioned  fort  fortified  at the  outer  part , but  it  had  been  accentuated  and  infrastructured inside  in  a  scientific  ways. All the  functions  of  underground  activities  are  designed   through  the  switch  system  of  electricity. In otherhand,all the prisoners  of conscience  of  1974  onwards  were  lost  in  the  above dungeon. Some  of  them  were  army top  ranking  officials  and  Ashi Yanki,second  queen  of  King Jigme  Dorji  Wangchuk who  was  hosted  at  the  royal  palace  in  Gaylegphug  Bhutan  was  regicide  and  last  tried  to  explode  the Tashichhodzong  with  the  accompaniment  of  the  above  top  ranking  officials in 1974.Suddenly,India  or  watch  dog,INDO-FRIENDSHIP  MILITARY  TRAINING  TEAM (IMTRAT) knew  the  conspiracies before very  limited  minutes  of  explosion times and  could  dissuaded  from  being embarrassments. It was  a  great  question  that  why  did  she  desire to  perish  the  heiress  and  scampered  and  searched  asylum  in  India. Why the Bhutan government does not like to show the above prisoners?Because, the  probability  is  all  they  might  have  been  dead  inside it, and their  children were  grown , matured,  educated  and  starts  pressurizing  to  the government  of  Bhutan to show  their parents, it  is  hidden  among  them.Thereafter,the  Bhutan  government had  proposed  good plan  to  keep  the  group  uprising  giving  them  responsible  post like    high  rank and  for  some cases Ministers ,so  that they  will  not harass  and  bring  conflicts  into  the  entire  administrations  within  the Country. In  this  context, sole  administrative  powers were  being  given  to  the  above  groups, including Jigme Y Thinley who  was  the manpower  experts in the  beginning and  now holding  the bureaucratic power of  the  Bhutan  Government  by  being  supported    to  the  King Only.

The Bhutan  government  has  made  good  plans  to  avoid  condign  punishment  to  the  Lhotshampas  in  the  above  oubliette. The  Indian  former  prime  minister  Indira Gandhi  already prophesied  the   future  of  Bhutan  and made aware  to  Jigme  Singye Wangchuk.If  any   Lhotshampas  would  be involved  in  the  same  political  connotation, their  fundamental  rights within  the  country  will  be  cemented  and  the  majority  will score  the  goals, and  the  country  will  be  threatened  in  near  future.

In  this this   context  the  special  dungeon(oubliette)   which  carries as  a great  land  mark  history  of  modern  Bhutan, specifically  known  by  selected  Ngalongpas  elderly  people from  the  western  part  of  Bhutan only.Although, the ambiguity  of  the above  political  cleavages  is  really  a  great  obstacle  of  the  refugees  who  were  driven  from  Southern  Bhutan  in  accordance  with  the  pre-planned  already  made  by  the  then  Prime  Minister  Indira  Gandhi. The  proofs  of  the  above  facts was  expressed  succinctly  and  lucidly  by  the  Bumthangpas  people with  Wangdi  Tshering,Dy.Dzongdag as  he  was  participated in  persons for  land survey when  I  was  engaged  for  land  survey   programs in  the  year  of  1978  at  Jakar  Dzongkhag(Bumthang)  under  tang  Gewog.They  were  really  expressed those secrecies  together at  the time of  chatting   with  us.

About  Monetary  unit

The greatest  secrecy  of  Bhutan interacted  with  India  is  the  valuation  of  the Ngultrums. Because  the  value  of  the  Bhutanese Ngultrums  and  Indian  rupees is  still same, another  objectionable  assignments  is  that, in  Bhutanese  Ngultrums  only  one  language  is  written(i.e.Dzongkha) and  is  being  circulated  and  sold  in  equal  value  within India  too. The  irrespective  causes  that  the  various  people  living  within  the  country  originated  and  must  be identified by  the  monetary  units  and  would  be the  main  symbol  of  the  number  of  peoples  and  languages  are  spoken  within  the original  home  country(e.g. For  the  naturalization  from  people’s birth  soil).  As  seen  in  the  Indian  rupees  there  are  twenty  languages  for  different  cultures  and  spirited. It  is  understandable  that all  languages ought  to  be  honoured.In  otherhand,Bhutan  has  no  any  right  symbolic  pictures printed  in  every  notes  excepts  kings  and  Dzongs,which  does  not  covered  the   glorious  meanings  of  the  beginnings  of the deity.
The  first  one  hand  King   Ugen  Wangchuk  was  only  a  groom  of  Zhabdrung Ngawang  Namgyal.And  no continuous hierarchy  of  the   ancestral  of  Ugen Wangchuk is  recorded  for  the  preamble  of  the  country and  possible compilation  into  the  history  of  Bhutan.

I  thought, due  to  the  above  circumstances, the  impasse(refugees)  is  being  escalated  in  Refugee  camps and  adhered  to  be  resettled  in  different western  countries  after  eighteen years  in  the  refugee  camps, Nepal. India who  is the  intimate  and  closed  neighbor  of  the  southern  part of  Bhutan  remains  silent  enjoying  all  the  supportive  beneficiaries of  the  natural  resources of  Bhutan  bidding  equal  money  values. These  are  due  to  the  above  political  deadlocks, like  the  secrecy  of  the  holding  reign  of  Bhutan and  other  important  places  of  Bhutan   with  regularizing very   old  foreign  policies ,”as  a  showing  teeth” by  India.

Thanks for accepting my life story in Bhutan

(Hopefully please  expects, if  I get  time  and create  positive  environments of  writing ,  I  shall  soon  produce my  first  part  and  last  parts  of  my  life  story in  Bhutan  and  as  well  as  in  Refugee  Camps  in  Nepal).Please  help  me  to  make  it spread  widely. 

God bless America, Americans and Bhutanese people in America

Present Address:
Phone: 802 658 5436
